By Anon - 27/08/2015 08:37 - United States

Today, I was telling my coworker that I was considering quitting the shady, 50-shades-of-scum business we work at. He snitched to our boss, who quickly fired me on bullshit charges of incompetence, theft, and workplace bullying. I guess I'm not getting a good reference from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 370
You deserved it 5 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mossyoak_kw 28

Never ever talk about things like this to a coworker, it's basically asking for them to snitch and start trouble.


expertsmilee 26

You work at a chop shop or something?...shit

Number one rule of work: Never trust anyone!

Now instead of just leaving you're leaving with severance pay. Small silver lining...

YDI on this one never burn bridges while you're still on them.

The only time you should bridges while you are still on them, is if it's a literal bridge and you want to walk away from the fire all cool like.

Ceecee9c 10

I'm gonna go with fyl because the boss is acting extremely childish

If it was that bad a business a reference from him (even a good one) wouldn't do you any good.

Well, now you have incentive to find the next job! Never tell anyone at work you're thinking of quitting. It's best to be professional and hardworking rather than be seen as a potential deadbeat who's just going to leave soon.

He's have to have evidence of the thievery and incompetence to fire you for that. Or are you in an At-will state OP?

Mossyoak_kw 28

Never ever talk about things like this to a coworker, it's basically asking for them to snitch and start trouble.

tough break bro at least your soul won't be sucked into the depths of hell now