By be_nj - 29/05/2009 03:51 - United States

Today, at work as a cashier, I had a male customer come up to me and ask me what hours I worked today, like he has done for several weeks now. Immediately after, my manager calls my lane to tell me to watch out for that guy. He has been stalking a co-worker of mine. Apparently, I'm next. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 548
You deserved it 4 182

Same thing different taste

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ewww!! a customer at my old work found me on myspace once, and i never wore a nametag so he didn't even know my name, god knows how he found me!! people can be soo creepy. fyl


that's really scary. at least ur boss cares :D

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drewfus2 6

That's not scary. She simply has to calmly inform him that she will not hesitate to kill him with extreme prejudice. Generally that scares people off.

Did you actually tell him the hours you worked?!?!

ewww!! a customer at my old work found me on myspace once, and i never wore a nametag so he didn't even know my name, god knows how he found me!! people can be soo creepy. fyl

and i bet you were stupid enough to tell him when you finished work :S

You got nice ****... when do you get off work?

Did you tell him anything? That's so creepy. And stupid on your part.

I do this to women all the time. Watch out for me the creeper. Well only the ones who are dumb enough to give me their schedule. Why would you give him your information anyways?

And you told him the hours you work? YDI. Didn't they teach you not to do that at your orientation/job meeting!

rice_cake 0

I'm a service cashier as well and I've been asked this question heaps of times before. It's really hard to not reply. I mean what are you supposed to say? "Oh I cannot answer that question because it's classified information that I'm not at liberty to disclose due to the fact that you could turn out to be a stalker." Some people are just being friendly and making small talk. If someone seems creepy I just lie. I usually don't sound very convincing though :/ But anyway, OP that really does suck and is very scary. FYL

I don't think they said anything about giving him their hours. If anything it sounds like they didn't if he has been trying to get the schedule for several weeks now, but I could be wrong. On a side note yeah I hate putting up with creeps at work. There is a guy who use to always come around me when I worked at the cash register at a diner. My cashier counter was at a separate spot in the dining area so one time he came up behind me and whispered, "Look at you lookin' all pretty doin' that four letter word...-work-" I left my station, told my boss, and we got a guy at work to switch stations with me haha so yeah I feel your pain.

so you mean...some guy you don't know coming in every day and asking what your hours are for SEVERAL WEEKS didn't tip you off that he might be a stalker? really?