By hazlanz216 - 06/10/2011 22:28 - Canada

Today, I was suspended from work. Some lady went to the manager and told them that I was stalking her, all because I would kindly greet her everyday at the grocery store. I'm the cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 946
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Return as a customer and wait for her.

Attention ****** like her are so good at believing in their own fiction, aren't they?


Return as a customer and wait for her.

Did you just edit your comment 3 times? Impressively fast typing skills >:0

Who goes to the grocery store everyday... Maybe she's the one whose stalking you!!

Not as fast as my masturbation skills. I've jizzed myself three times while writing this. Fun fact: my iPhone likes to think I've kissed myself three times. Dirty iPhone, I would never do that!!

11- yea man... let's start fml beef! ...jk

Aww damn... I was getting my digital posse together so we could go shoot at your digital posse from outside your house cause we're too pussy to actually confront each other face to face... ): Now I've got to do a drive by on an innocent family that has three small children!

enonymous 8

Shit just got ******* real son. 9 - in the words of my sansei Squirrel Master "Back off Nasty Nate, this is my bitch... If anyone's gonna shank him in the stall it's going to be me!"

I have people in the store I work at come in 3-4 times a day.

HushHushKeeKat 0

It's just not funny when you're trying too hard.

It's just not cute when you take a picture of yourself with your **** hanging out.

Attention ****** like her are so good at believing in their own fiction, aren't they?

Like do people not stick up for themselves anymore? If this is all that happened the manager should be put on a retard leash or the cashier. If you didn't do anything speak up about it. Customers are not always right, the labour board could also get involved. Losing work hours for greeting a customer doing their job is not reason for a Suspension.

Hello ma'am how may I help? STALKER!

Im2Handsom 1
sydneylol 7
YeahhhhBuddy 0

You're joking right? I didn't realize that being a friendly employee was stalking...

YeahhhhBuddy 0

You're joking right? I didn't realize being a friendly employee was stalking

YeahhhhBuddy 0

Sorry my bad, my comments keep appearing in here when trying to reply in the below comment.

alejandratx 8

Well you sound like one to me o-O

Hey dumbass, read the FML a good 20 times to understand what she/he is trying to say.

I hope that is sarcasm...I really really do...

For some reason my iPod is enjoying messing with me and making my posts wrong. That comment was for the previous reply, saying op sounded like a stalker, my apologies.

I'm paranoid, and even I know that "hello, how was your day?" is just what cashiers are told to say. Your boss is a moron, surely he would have realised.