By YouWish - 25/08/2016 03:57 - United States - Mount Pleasant

Today, on my way to work, I was checking my hair in the semi-reflective window of an office building. I suddenly realized that the guy I had a one-night stand with last week was standing on the other side, looking confused. He now genuinely believes that I am stalking him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 407
You deserved it 1 708

Same thing different taste

It's not what you think!

By Paula - 24/08/2024 12:00 - United States

Today, I was walking to work when I noticed a cute guy ahead of me. He turned into every single street that I needed to take, and I started to worry he might think I was following him. Just as I was about to overtake him and prove I wasn't a creep, he turned into the building where I work. He's the new intern. Now I have to avoid eye contact for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 280
You deserved it 228

Top comments

Next you'll be checking your lipstick in the reflection of his car window. And using his bathroom mirror to check if you have spinach in your teeth. And practicing your smile in the dull reflection of his dead empty eyes for your next one night stand.

The only solution now is to really stalk him


It just so happened to be his building? That'a not very plausible.

There are these things known as "coincidences".

Does it matter what he thinks if he was just a one night stand?

The only solution now is to really stalk him

Who cares what he thinks? Chances are you're not gonna run into him again and he'll calm down.

Next you'll be checking your lipstick in the reflection of his car window. And using his bathroom mirror to check if you have spinach in your teeth. And practicing your smile in the dull reflection of his dead empty eyes for your next one night stand.

Wait, is that what you were doing when you were crouched over that body before I picked you up for our date? You told me you found him like that! You said you called the police! I'm starting to get really nerv—oh, hold on; there's an odd sound coming from my bathroom…

Gotta say, originally I was thinking "oh, what an unfortunate incident, hopefully you can explain!", but then I saw your username and kinda think you deserve it. Maybe it's just an unfortunate coincidence, but you're not in a place to be so snobby here.

Tsukiyomi 16

Next time don't **** guys in your office you stupid shit

Nerd14 9

I don't think anybody wishes to be stalked or be would flattered by it, but hey maybe he could be the exception. Who knows?