By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 19:15 - Germany - Paderborn

Today, at work, a woman demanded a refund for a video game. She had no receipt, so due to company policy, I couldn't refund her. She reacted by loudly accusing me of being racist, then yelled that she'd see me in court as she finally stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 087
You deserved it 3 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

I hate customers like that. They think the louder they get the more likely it will go their way.

Customers who expect an exchange without a receipt are just idiotic. I see this situation on a regular basis where I work, where something will be half price one week and then the next week someone who "bought this stuff yesterday" come in looking for a full refund without a receipt to verify the dates


Chellybelly92 14

I hate customers like that. They think the louder they get the more likely it will go their way.

tjv3 10

I used to love those customers. I worked a small family owned eatery and it was the best in town. Sometimes people would try getting loud trying to get their way . That when the owner who was from Italy would just yell back at them. If they cussed he cussed and then he would throw them out and ban them. They are still in business and they have 0 issues with loud and disorderly customers

knotcool 15

Funny thing is, usually it's quite the opposite. The louder you get, the LESS likely I am to give you your way. When will people learn?

jarockstar27 10

I wish my owners would do that! But they do what most do and bend over backwards to at least appease the situation a little

asnakelovinbabe 16

You would think so, but this is sadly the way people that work retail are treated DAILY. People think that just because they are walking into a store and that they might possibly spend money that their ass should just be infinitely kissed and caressed.

Sounds just like a typical day at Walmart or Best Buy/Futureshop to me... FYL OP

Customers who expect an exchange without a receipt are just idiotic. I see this situation on a regular basis where I work, where something will be half price one week and then the next week someone who "bought this stuff yesterday" come in looking for a full refund without a receipt to verify the dates

she probably doesn't even know what the word racist means.

Note to customers: sale staffs in companies like best-buy have no power. They have to abide by company law and they cannot mend it to fit your needs. stop fu**king harassing the poor employees. Sorry I got cut off for some reason.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

*******. There. If you're gonna say it, just SAY it.

Wait a minute... #16, why did you insert 2 stars? There's only 1 letter in that spot...

asnakelovinbabe 16

I forget what I was going to say now. So here... Have a useless comment.

Just ask her for that refund on that car that she totally sold you and you forgot the receipt for.

You're German. Lord here comes the Nazi puns.

I hear about these incidents from a friend who works in a game store. They keep little cards with the store policy/consumer rights on them for anyone who throws a tantrum like this. You should invest in some.

How dumb people can be? Throwing a temper tantrum fails to get kids what they want why should it work for adults later on in their life?

I worked at a popular electronic store and we could search for the receipt on the POS by matching the debit or credit card #s, that could have been a possible solution?

crazytwinsmom 25

And only if the company has centralized returns.