Jan scams again

By jb100 - 24/07/2015 20:08 - United States - Perryville

Today, as I was working at a bakery, a woman stormed in, cut in front of the line, and began yelling at me. She claimed I didn't give her a sandwich earlier and demanded a refund. She got the refund out of my paycheck, and as she was leaving she muttered, "Ha, works every time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 264
You deserved it 2 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People really suck sometimes! Your manager should've insisted on a receipt or proof of purchase, instead of taking money from your pay! Sorry OP!

Do you not have cameras for just that situation?


Do you not have cameras for just that situation?

Might take too much time, especially if they were busy. But this expense should have come out of the restaurant's expenses, not the cashier's.

People really suck sometimes! Your manager should've insisted on a receipt or proof of purchase, instead of taking money from your pay! Sorry OP!

I thought that was always the first thing they do o.o

She could have actually bought (and gotten) a sandwich then left. Only to return later with the receipt and claimed to have never gotten the sandwich. Unfortunately, it happens all the time.

The refund shouldn't have come out of the OP's pay at all. Pretty sure there are laws against that sort of thing.

Hunkapoo 19

going along with #30, there also isn't any proof, of anything. your manager clearly has no common sense. this is why I believe "the customer is always right" protocol some bosses and managers go by is bull. It allows not all, but many crappy people to screw you over like this.

Well, to be honest, there is no mention of any manager in the post. So it could be op decided to refund out of his/her pocket to avoid the hassle. It's possible the manager wasn't involved at all, before we go blaming anyone...

That heretical witch needs to spontaneously combust while falling in a hole full of angry badgers and warp demons.

You know...I've heard of these Japanese hornets who's venom dissolves the flesh. Also I totally agree with your...interesting ideas. “ψ(`∇´)ψ

She turned me into a newt! Burn the witch!


She just committed fraud. File a police report and ask management to return your money.

Agreed. This is some jail time shit she just pulled.

There are always those punk customers and unfortunately there are more of them now as weakarse managers give in to them.

Why didn't you ask for a receipt, you kinda deserve it for that part, but I'd go to the police...

If it came out of OP's paycheck, chances are it's a retarded boss who did the refunding.

Shit in a sandwich in case she comes backs!

But then that would be a shitty situation, and you know very well that we want none of that.

Next time tell her refunds come from corporate and you need her to write down her name and address. Then mail her a bag of dog sh*t.

I work in fast food and I experience stuff like this all the time! People will do anything to get some free food.