By tenthousandspoon - 13/09/2010 00:08 - New Zealand

Today, at work, a three year old chucked a chocolate bar at me. It hit me square in the face. Her father praised her for her "quality arm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 837
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PaintTheStars 2

The kid loses in the end. With that parenting he isn't going to end out very well. fhl

Ydi for not have catching skills of a FIRST rate sports player.


fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

i bet it it was open you would have caught it

that's what wring with kids now days. I would have flat out punched that douche bag in the face and then told him infront of his kid that he is a faluire as a father and at life, a horrible humanbeing, and should swan dive off the nearest over pass.

I woulda cursed out the father, bad parenting is bad.

skyeyez9 24

I use public humiliation if I see that type of behavior. Ex: an older girl shoved my daughter at the playground. I said to the girl loud enough so her mom could hear "Who taught you to act like that!? Some parents let their kids behave like ******* animals but I dont let my kid act like that cause I raised her better!" You should have seen the girl's moms face. LOL. It puts the offending parent on the spot and forces them to do something about their kid's behavior.

TheZarola 10

It doesn't "force" them to do anything. It makes you look bad and stuck up, too, and humiliation does not always solve problems. For all you know, that girl could be shoving some other kid out there. Besides, it's not always the parents' fault.

I can just see this father ten years in Juvenile Court ten years from now spouting one of the classic lines, "She was in the wrong place at the wrong time," "Well, kids make mistakes," "She doesn't belong in the Hall; this is a GOOD girl" (who shoplifts, brutalizes or threatens other girls, etc., etc.) I honestly don't know what you should have done here, maybe just tell him the truth, "Your daughter is a brat because you made her that way."

skyeyez9 24

74: Trust me it worked. After a week of this brat bullying my younger child at school and outside of school her mom witnessing the incidents at the park and doing nothing. The first time it happened, I held my tongue and said nothing, second time I saw it, I spoke to the mom about it and she said "kids will be kids" and brushed it off. I saw it happen again and I looked over at the mom and I knew she saw but didn't care cause she did nothing. That's when I went over to the kids and said that.

yummycupcakegirl 0

you get free chocolate whats the FML?;)

OopsieDaisies 0

SEVENTYSIX is the last comment on this thread

you shoulda picked up that bar threw it back at her as hard as he'll then took your shoe off and hit her father