By tenthousandspoon - 13/09/2010 00:08 - New Zealand

Today, at work, a three year old chucked a chocolate bar at me. It hit me square in the face. Her father praised her for her "quality arm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 837
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PaintTheStars 2

The kid loses in the end. With that parenting he isn't going to end out very well. fhl

Ydi for not have catching skills of a FIRST rate sports player.


We have some badass three year olds around here.

FFML_314 11

That's because they're the same child. Muahaha. Wouldn't that be funny?

It would be. To my parents dismay, I was exactly like this as a one year old.

JacksonCampbell 9
FFML_314 11

I love her picture too. It's like I know exactly what she's thinking and exactly what she had for breakfast. OK, so I know the last part, because I was peeping in her windows this morning, but STILL!

I will never enjoy toast while in my underwear the same way again.

FYLDeep 25

Should have opened your mouth. It would have been pretty badass if you caught it.

FFML_314 11

That's what he said. Sorry couldn't resist, LOL!

530boy 0

Then you should have a sign at work that says ,"don't feed the animals". YDI for being a hungry animal.

FirstBornUnicorn 0

She probably thought you were fat so she threw that chocolate bar at your face because she knew that if she didn't, you'd end up eating her and her father so she threw it and her father then applauded her for saving both of their lives.

530boy 0

you read my mind dude in speedos.!

FirstBornUnicorn 0

I thought you were a unicorn. STOP CHANGING YOUR STORY.

coming from an idiot with a unicorn name...

FirstBornUnicorn 0

She's just jealous of my hot bod,

530boy 0

I can tell by the size of that forehead, you probably have a heartbeat sensor in that. lol jk no offense !


that kid's got some arm. lol :P

shmexi 0

hey moderated this one!! cool?!

it's parenting like this that is ruining our world. parents need to discipline their children. they are not just children, they are future adults. whenever I meet an asshole at work or in public I feel the urge to beat the shit out of their parents for not beating the shit out of their unruly brat as a child.