By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 00:10 - United States

Today, I was asked to crawl through a sunroof because one of my coworkers locked her keys in her car. After I got the keys, instead of opening the car door, I climbed back out through the sunroof. To laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 415
You deserved it 42 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FirstBornUnicorn 0

You exited the badass way. Who needs doors?

Are you meaning to say that isn't the normal way to get in and out of a car? Man... Life just doesn't feel the same anymore.


UrbanAdaption 0

look at your thumb,gee ur dumb!

CALIFORNIA... blondes. you gotta **** 'em.

tooGee24 0

lmao wow!! guess u can't get any dumber than that, can u up? haha

I hereby drop all YDI charges since it was for a good deed

rciccone 0

YEA YOU ARE SO D.U.M DUMB ( so dumn u dont deserve the B! ) hahaha

FFML_314 11

The 'n' is not necessary. They didn't deserve that!

thats dumb i dunno how this got publoshed.. not a fml..

catsareahmazing 0

I honestly would have done the same thing

tweetbaby14 18

well in Katy Perry's "California Gurls" song it never said anything about them being smart. YDI for not thinking "oh look I'm in a car here's the door that I should use to get out."

you_failed 15

hahaha this comment actually made me "LOL" xD

You guys, shut up. Not all Californians are dumb. I'm in eighth grade and I'm starting AP Mandarin and AP English tomorrow. So, stop your fingers from tapping on the keyboard if it's a crude, unimportant opinion.

You guys, shut up. Not all Californians are dumb. I'm in eighth grade and I'm starting AP Mandarin and AP English tomorrow. So, stop your fingers from tapping on the keyboard if it's a crude, unimportant opinion.

tweetbaby14 18

book smart =/= common sense thanks for proving another point Californian .

samiboy9 0

it's true guys this person sounds serios and mentaly dimented and a tiny bit crazy and can't take a joke

Mclovin_95 0
FFML_314 11

And now they are all buried in the backyard.

god ur an idiot! LOL do u have blonde hair by any chance? hahahahaha

dinorawr1107 4

THAT IS OFFENSIVE YOU Bitch!!! lol nonono jkjk im a blond and i find those jokes quite humorous. lol but your not a bitch :)

BelleBelle_fml 11

You're the kind of blonde that gives the rest of us intelligent blondes a bad name and a reason to stereotype us. I'm a natural blonde and my IQ in HS was higher than my teacher's, I made honour roll every quarter, was inducted into the National Honour Society, and graduated with a GPA of 4.0. I'm currently an LVN and working my way up to NP. So not all blondes are stupid. Yhank you and good day.

BelleBelle_fml 11

You're the kind of blonde that gives the rest of us intelligent blondes a bad name and a reason to stereotype us. I'm a natural blonde and my IQ in HS was higher than my teacher's, I made honour roll every quarter, was inducted into the National Honour Society, and graduated with a GPA of 4.0. I'm currently an LVN and working my way up to NP. So not all blondes are stupid. Yhank you and good day.

yhank ? wow. you really are ******* smart. *sarcasim*

FirstBornUnicorn 0

You exited the badass way. Who needs doors?

Exactly! Way more fun to go through the sunroof. Where's the fun in a /door/? Almost every car has doors.

do u by any chance work at a gas station man

rallets 22

"almost" every car? what kinda cars you be driving? lol

nascar1477 0

by the looks of his picture who knows??? lol

44 - I've seen some people driving 2-door jeep wranglers sans doors, in the summer.