By tenthousandspoon - 13/09/2010 00:08 - New Zealand

Today, at work, a three year old chucked a chocolate bar at me. It hit me square in the face. Her father praised her for her "quality arm." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 836
You deserved it 3 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PaintTheStars 2

The kid loses in the end. With that parenting he isn't going to end out very well. fhl

Ydi for not have catching skills of a FIRST rate sports player.


Gobsnoglin 0

In America we say "good arm". I find it interesting how sayings like this are said differently in various regions of the world.

JokeMeister 0

Shoulda threw it back at dad, to show what kinda arm you have!

l0lkitteh 0

That's how you raise psychopaths. Sucks to be the teaching remedy.

fakeaccountX 6

must.....resist..... say.....HEADSHOT

The only solution that works is to beat up the parent in front of the child. It's a form of discipline that they are both lacking and desperately need. It tends to be so traumatic for the parent, that they experience an attitude shift that's fairly dramatic.

You should get a giant tip for putting up with that crap

doglover100 28

Some people should not have kids.

She'll be getting in trouble with the law when she's a teen and her dad will be sitting there stumped, wondering where it all went wrong.

You should have saud "Thanks free candy!"