By RetailJocky - 15/08/2017 13:00

Today, at work, a bag of driveway repair tar split and spilled on my arms and hands. Not only does it stain and pull out any arm hair it touches, the stains also look like I was playing in dog poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 409
You deserved it 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, that's nothing, op, Just tar? If you were having a really bad day, I'm pretty sure there should be some feathers?

Lobby_Bee 17

Your arm must be silky smooth now. Win!


Oh, that's nothing, op, Just tar? If you were having a really bad day, I'm pretty sure there should be some feathers?

Eh, just roll with it, and pretend you are prehistoric mammal on the brink of extinction.

Lobby_Bee 17

Your arm must be silky smooth now. Win!

Lobby_Bee 17

Your arm must be silky smooth now. Win!

Use WD-40 to remove the stain and any asphalt attached to skin and hair. Working in conjunction with an oil refinery; this is how we remove asphalt.

Stiggy626 25

kerosene works really well too

GoogieWithers 22

Well at least you will get a seat to yourself on public transport.