By Ouch - 22/05/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, as I was closing my car door, I realized I had left the keys in the ignition. Not wanting to lock myself out, I reached to stop the door from closing. Not only did I scream when the door slammed on my hand, but in my furious pain, I leaned on the door, locking my keys inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 431
You deserved it 13 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks... you must have a really old car or something, most modern cars won't lock the driver's door if the key is in the ignition.

How does that mean he got them? could have posted from mobile or got towed home...


iiiloveeejayyy 0

"Not only did I screamed" ??? I believe it would be "scream"

Break the window and pull the keys out. (:

I actually closed my hand in a car door once. Never is fun. It was hella funny though!

the grammar? "not only did I screamed"

Epickitty58 29

How did 12000 people vote YDI? I don't see how anyone deserves to have a car door slam on their hand.

Aw that sucks OP hope your hand gets better