By Lackadaisical - 15/01/2010 00:01 - United States

Today, I thought I'd be safe by looking before crossing a one way street unlike I normally do. Too bad I looked the wrong way and didn't see the car that hit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 238
You deserved it 35 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI -- yeah... that's just survival of the fittest, those of us who look BOTH ways before crossing the street, just in case ;)... fail...

iSwag 0

I say you're Blessed you can even type this FML...a car?! yep count your blessings


YDI -- yeah... that's just survival of the fittest, those of us who look BOTH ways before crossing the street, just in case ;)... fail...

Yeah. Even on a one-way street, it's best to look both ways in case someone is going the wrong way. Construction vehicles working on the street might be going the wrong way too, so always look.

responses 0

this is what evolutionists (I am not one) are talking about. the intelligent humans don't get hit by cars in the street and die out and the people like you are slowly assimilated from the earth.

Poke_Her_Face_fml 0

lol I've done that before, and I also live in Wisconsin. but I was 7. haha.

piepieburger 0

Jesus Christ , are you retarded?

Natural selection is coming for you, OP

Coming from the person who spelled "you're" "yerr".

How much extra energy is required to look both ways? Unless the car was travelling extremely fast, and deadly silent, YDI.

iSwag 0

I say you're Blessed you can even type this FML...a car?! yep count your blessings

I always accidentally look both ways when crossing a one-way street. But to look only one way implies you were conscious of the fact that it was a one-way street, yet still got the direction wrong. That's just sad.

I'm surprised your still alive. The car must of slowed in time.

TrijonVirus 0

poor car! u dentd it real bad with ur stupid fat ass!!!!!!!!

I typically do not like fat jokes (not because I am fat but because I think it is stupid) but seriously with this situation that worked PERFECTLY!!!! Thank you for the laugh :) This person is an idiot!

HelloNoora1 0

I am not overweight. Being obese is a medical condition, which is like going up to a diabetic and saying "Haha! You're Diabetic!".

infernno 23

Being obese just means you're extremely fat, its not caused by genetics. If you ate less chips and maybe got off your fat ass every once in a while, you wouldn't be obese. That's pretty much it.

cali_bum 0

that's j stupid WTF how do u not see the car