By MadameM - 26/02/2009 08:17 - United States

Today, I accidentally locked my car and house keys along with my phone in my car. Then I had to break into my own house looking for the spare. Someone called the police and I had to explain that I lived there. I forgot to grab the spare when I went to talk to the police officers I locked the door behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 138
You deserved it 9 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

I had almost that exact thing happen to me in high school. parents at work, went to check the mail, locked and closed the door behind me. Elderly neighbor called the cops and I was hauled out of my bedroom window by my ankles. they didn't believe it was my house until I pointed out a recent photo of myself sitting on my table.

you already broke into the house before. so it shouldn't be so hard to do it again. but eh, fyl LOL.


you already broke into the house before. so it shouldn't be so hard to do it again. but eh, fyl LOL.

your picture is ****** up. nuff said.

alwaysalady 0

I had almost that exact thing happen to me in high school. parents at work, went to check the mail, locked and closed the door behind me. Elderly neighbor called the cops and I was hauled out of my bedroom window by my ankles. they didn't believe it was my house until I pointed out a recent photo of myself sitting on my table.

me_me_fml 0

Are we getting too sympathetic here? How is everyone voting FYL and not YDI!!

bigraws23 0

1st Murphy's Law 2nd so your fault

hilaaarious. i would laugh and laugh. alll the way to the bank.

My exgirlfriend actually did something similar to this a couple years ago. It was raining when she got locked out though. But, then again, she wound up having a kid with her ex-stepdad, so she wasn't any rocket scientist.