By Anonymous - 19/09/2014 08:58 - Belgium

Today, in a rush to get out of my house to go to a doctor's appointment, I closed the door behind me without having my house or car keys on me. Sadly, it took me less than a minute to break into my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 084
You deserved it 6 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you know to get stuff to protect your home least it didn't take a stranger breaking in to teach you.

Well at least you didn't waste any more time getting your keys.


Well at least you didn't waste any more time getting your keys.

Well now you know to get stuff to protect your home least it didn't take a stranger breaking in to teach you.

Nah that was level one that's why it was so easy. it'll be harder for the next person

SkyGuy32 17

You don't need to upgrade your burglary system, you just need to make it look like you did.

If anything, it can be a spring board to investing in greater security for your home. Just be glad it was you breaking in, instead of an actual intruder.

Wizardo 33

Home Alone defense systems activate, booby trap the place.

Get a security system that shoots lasers at whoever walks in and you should be fine.

orbit 22

Except if it is op who walks in

How could you lock the door without your house keys though..

Some people have doors that automatically lock when you shut it. Or OP turned the lock on the inside of the door and left the house. So it is highly possible to be able to lock the door without keys :).

NodakN8V 25

The door handle locks with no dead bolt

Oh, okay. At every house I've lived in I've had to lock the door myself..

I wondered the exact same thing 8. They said house, not dorm or hotel, and every house I've ever seen you have to physically lock it from the outside to get it to lock, so I assumed the same thing. Seems a bit weird to me to have the house door lock automatically. Is this only in a dorm type situation or an apartment or do normal single story houses have this too?

If I still had one of those type of doorknobs, the ones that locked automatically, I would change it. That's just a lockout accident waiting to happen. A $20 replacement would cost less than a paid locksmith.

24 you missed the part where it could also be a door that you can lock it from the inside nob as the door is open and shut the door behind you, locking it

cryssycakesx3 22

24, my knob is like that where it locks automatically. the door can't be shut without being locked.

Most of the houses in the UK are auto lock, never been in a house here that isn't.

All the door knobs in my house can be turned from the inside when locked. OPs door could very well be like that as well. I've locked myself out on multiple occasions that way.

Maybe you're just a natural burglar, either that or the obvious your house is easy to break into.