By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 17:11 - Germany

Today, as I passed a printout over my shoulder to my mum, I managed to give myself a papercut on my tear duct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 650
You deserved it 2 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TordNorski 30

My eye twitched when I read this.


Oh god, I had to Google that, really wish I hadn't!

I cringed and got the chills when I read this?

I actually covered my eyes with my hands. *shudder*

Jesus, Definitely a FML there. Hope it heals nicely, OP!

Ah shit bro. That sounds like it hurts like a mother ******

gobiteme2 34

The horror of it all, could you just imagine if it was 4 or 5 inches lower you could have sliced your head off.

gobiteme2 34

The horror of it all. You dodge a major mishap there. Can you just imagine if it was four or five inches lower you could have sliced your head off.

OMG really? I did the exact same thing earlier today!

Yikes! How did you manage that?! Ooh, that makes me cringe. >.

hjds4n5 12

Crings cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe