By loganHchrist - 09/01/2014 00:53 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. They thought it would be funny to pretend that they're nudists. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 033
You deserved it 4 973

Same thing different taste


Honestly, it sucks for the OP. You should not back the parents for their immature joke.

InnocentMalice 12

Did she believe them? poor girl...

i'm guessing seeing them stark naked would give her the impression they're nudists.

Noooo, she didn't think they were nudists at all, she just walked in on them naked.

In Canada? This time of year? They must have been freezing

Buildings in Canada are heated too... Just sayin'.

Yea #5, we arent eskimos who live in igloos here despite any beliefs. Its quite like america but there is no supersize option at mcdonalds

super size option was discontinued years ago my northern neighbor

#30, it is actually quite different from America, and #31, even though the super size option at MacDonald's was discontinued, most of their food is served in ridiculously large portions. I've been in Florida for the past few days, and I really do prefer Canada. If I lived here I'd be morbidly obese two months in .-.

It's all about control my friends, you can't let your fast food cravings overpower you. On a side note, I have always wanted to visit Canada. I live in Minnesota and hunt up by the border every year but have never actually visited.

The Falls are nice. I want to see more in Canada instead of water falling.

It might be a surprise to you but Canada isn't that cold. We have pretty much the same whether as New York.

It is 5 degrees Celcius (about 40 degrees Fahrenheit) in parts of Alberta right now. Not the weather to be naked maybe, but this is definitely at least hoodie weather. It's not insanely cold.

“hang mad dick" is my new favorite ever

that's an awesome phrase but a mental image I could do without. still it's been added to my vocabulary. thank you.

To be honest, so long as they reveal the joke at some stage that's a pretty cool in-law family to have. My parents are great but have always been quite uptight and conservative, and I used to be in awe of friends' and partners' families who were up for a laugh.

Wow, way to sabotage your relationship. Guess they're not bothered whether they get a daughter-in-law and grandchildren anytime soon! Hope your girlfriend wasn't too scared...

If I walked in and I saw a sack in front of my eyes I would be scared.... I hope you would be too

You must be short #32 if that sack would hang in front of your eyes.