By sucker - 26/09/2012 17:07 - United States - Milton

Today, after months of believing my marriage has been better than ever, I found out that my husband has been cheating on me with our neighbor. I can't afford to move, and I have to see the fake-titted homewrecker every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 092
You deserved it 2 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kill them both and burry the bodies in a corn field, no one will find then in a cornfield.

lovepandorasaver 11

Take the house and do things to make her move


I say make the ***** life a living hell, and kick his ass to the curb!! If all else fails hire a hit man with his money

What bothers me if the wives whose husbands cheated on them get pissed at the woman their husband cheated with. The woman didn't do anything to you!!! It's your husband who cheated on YOU! Be mad at him!!

theBadGuy37 9

They're neighbors. Obviously she knew they were married, so she did do something to her.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Thats bullshit. I could see if it were someone who didnt know the man was married, but she lives RIGHT NEXT DOOR for goodness sake! She is as much to blame as the husband, probably because she seduced him, and he didnt have enough self control to say no...

lacespace 8

Self control-self respect-dignity-love for his wife-a soul. Yeah. I wouldn't just go with the "she seduced him" bit. It takes two NO MATTER WHAT. How close in proximity do you have to be to someone to even be seduced in the first place?

Cut her **** and slip in some jalapeños...she wont die but she cant the same to your husband's dick

cabadas11 2

Put eggs in both their fuel tanks wont solve youre problem but itll **** their day up

Shit like thus is why you should never get in a monogamous relationship. Monogamy is for suckers.

she's not the home wrecker. She didn't give you any engagement, any promises. She has sex with people she wants to have sex with Your husband, on his side, is the absolute asshole. He made promises to you

lacespace 8

She is ****** up asshole. But you're right, it wasn't her relationship it was his.

hubby's definitely the main one to blame, but in this case, so is the NEIGHBOR. caps intended. so I get OP's angst.

That's exactly what I tried to say and got bitched at a couple comments previously. It's nice to know I'm not the only one