By englishtrio - 18/04/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, after finally giving up on the search for my lost dog, I realized that my neighbors had found her and are convinced that she was a stray. They won't give her up and are now mad at me for trying to take my own dog back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 239
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Ouch, that sucks I would definitely get others involved to get your dog back But how did your neighbors not even know that it was your dog?

That's why you have those chips implanted. To fight back against scumbags like these. What a pair of grade-A assholes.


Say you'll file a lawsuit and you have veternary records or other documents to prove that it's your dog. Technically if they don't give it back you can argue they stole it, my advice is to promise them it will turn into a legality issue.

Yellow_Pancreas 0

Do you have pictures or videos, and/or vet records and certificates? Show them. If they don't listen and insist on keeping the dog, SUE THEM. If they're your neighbors how did they "not" know you had a dog? (I don't even know my neighbors, but I sure as hell know their pets.) Good luck, and I really hope you get your dog back! (Also if/when you do get your dog back, have her wear her collar with license/home info at ALL times)

mishycakes 0

What ******* morons... my state requires you register dogs, if yours does too, I'd suggest going to City/Town Hall and getting a copy of the registration to show them!

To everybody saying you should have a picture of yourself with the dog available I went through that (not with a dog but with things someone stole from me) I told the police I have pictures of the things on my blog and me talking about buying them from a year earlier and he said I can take a picture of anything and say it's mine but that doesn't mean it's mine. So yeah that doesn't work legally. I hope the person that wrote this has their dog back and has installed a vchip in the dog. Remember what happened to Ellen? The agency she got her dog from had a vchip installed in the dog she got from them and it said their name on it still so they took the dog back. That is necessary nowadays to make sure the dog has a vchip and it has your name on it.

rt523 0

wow. your neighbors must be psyco. take the dog back and move far, far away.

wow what retarded neighbors. just do your best to get the dog back, and if that doesnt work, STEAL IT! its your dog, and if those neighbors are dumb enough to think that, they will be dumb enough to think that it ran away again

Something similar happened to my parents when I was 2. They were leaving California for Illinois, and they had left our two cats with someone, leaving specific instructions on what kinds of food they would eat (what brands of kibbles, etc.). My mom had second thoughts, but the college student she had left them to would not give them up. My mom and a friend had to burglarize and catnap! (so to speak). Bonus: the college student didn't seem to have paid any attention to what food the cats would eat.