By englishtrio - 18/04/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, after finally giving up on the search for my lost dog, I realized that my neighbors had found her and are convinced that she was a stray. They won't give her up and are now mad at me for trying to take my own dog back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 239
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

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mewzik 0

Ouch, that sucks I would definitely get others involved to get your dog back But how did your neighbors not even know that it was your dog?

That's why you have those chips implanted. To fight back against scumbags like these. What a pair of grade-A assholes.


You 100% deserve it if you didn't chip your dog!

**** that. Someone has my pet I'll break Into their house to get it back

Do you have a photograph of your dog? Something that clearly identifies the dogs as yours? And also, what sort of neighbours don't recognize their own neighbours' pets?

Well, you can just take him back by force. In the U.S. At least, it's legal to recover stolen property by as much force as you deem necessary. Make sure your dog is registered, because if you can't prove you had a dog in the first place. Your gonna have a hard time trying to justify taking it back by force.