By englishtrio - 18/04/2009 06:45 - United States

Today, after finally giving up on the search for my lost dog, I realized that my neighbors had found her and are convinced that she was a stray. They won't give her up and are now mad at me for trying to take my own dog back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 239
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mewzik 0

Ouch, that sucks I would definitely get others involved to get your dog back But how did your neighbors not even know that it was your dog?

That's why you have those chips implanted. To fight back against scumbags like these. What a pair of grade-A assholes.


retarded neighbors! get ur dog back somehow!

FreedomFirst 0

Call the police. I hate people like that. We have a neighbor who steals every cat that walks into her yard, and keeps them locked in the house forever so you can never say for sure they are with her. Cats who are seen in her yard are never seen again though, and she leaves bowls of cat food out constantly to attract them. I hate her. She stole my cat, two of my family's cats, and at least two from other neighbors. The only reason I didn't go after her for my cat was because I was getting married and my husband is allergic, so I'd have had to give him away anyhow. I still hate her though.

pajamajoho 0

hahah that HAPPENED to me! My cat ran across the woods to the people on the other side and the idiots wouldn't give him back. Eventually we outwitted them and stole him back- but seriously, it happens. I cannot believe it's happened more than once but... what dy'a know.

are you ******* stupid? get offline and go the police.

freedkat 0

You can file in court to have them return your dog.

I call fake. - There's ALWAYS evidence that it's your dog. Pictures, a name tag, the dog's DNA on its stuff in your house, the vet confirming that it's your dog... Take some pictures to your neighbours and they're forced to give the dog back to you. - How come your neighbours didn't know you had a dog? Dogs bark and need to be walked every day, your neighbours MUST have noticed that. Unless you cut its vocal chords and kept it in a box. - I don't know about you, but the first thing people around here do when they lose a pet is asking their neighbours (and everyone else who lives nearby) if they've seen the animal. If that fails, they put up signs in the area, go to the police and visit nearby pet shelters to ask if anyone has brought in the animal. If you didn't do any of that, how can you call what you've done "searching"?

screw your neighbors. take it back. shouldnt it want to come back to you anyways?

Wow, your neighbors are assholes. However, if you had put a collar on your dog it wouldn't be an issue...

thelonelylurker 0

You should have some documentation. I don't suppose anyone can just steal other people's dogs and there're no ways to get them back.

oh my goodness, i would have cried. i'm sorry ): you should totally go steal something expensive from their house.