By Anonymous - 30/10/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I went to a social event with a very attractive male co-worker. Things were going awesome, we were flirting and really hitting it off. Then his 'wife' called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 525
You deserved it 7 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhHerrrooo 0

any man who would accept a phone call from their wife is obviously not trying to hide anything- therefore, probably always wears his ring- therefore, YDI for not doing a ring check

Meh. I think that often one person considers it "flirting" while the other person is just trying to be sociable. It could be only the OP thought they were "really hitting it off" while the dude just thought he was being friendly.


instantfail 0

Aw, I hate when that happens.

Wow now that I look at your comment, your screen-name fits perfectly. ______________________________

Dayummm.... i also hate it when this happens.... but i always finish :) Suppose this is a FYL to the woman but she didnt deserve it.. Its more of a FML for the guy for having a woman who rings to often but then again... if he gets to finish like me... Ok just ok wheres my i feel ya bro button

How often could this possibly happen?

liveBabylon 0

Mmmm sounds like fun ;-) Can I join in to??

perdix 29

Would you have preferred he got the call mid-*******?

that may have worked out better... I bet cell reception in the janitors closet at your work social event is not existent... she might not have found out until post blow-job which actually would work out better for him I would imagine.

OhHerrrooo 0

any man who would accept a phone call from their wife is obviously not trying to hide anything- therefore, probably always wears his ring- therefore, YDI for not doing a ring check

Not every married guy does. My father would take a phone call with my mother and vice versa (They are married). Neither of them wear their wedding rings, nor would they deny that they are married in any way.

Shouldnt you have known he was married since you work together; hell what about a ring? I'm calling BS on this one.

voveraite 7

You suck, pun not totally intended. /yeah, my sarcasm radar took its day off today.

#9 fail. I don't believe going to a social event with a coworker counts as a date. Just me, though?

such a boring fml, the fmls are getting worse everytime. Not laughable worse- just not funny worse.