By whovian221b - 25/08/2015 22:46 - United States

Today, after coming home from the hospital after I fractured my foot, I fell in the bathroom and dislocated my wrist. The ER doctor couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 962
You deserved it 2 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uchua 16

You might want to consider living in a nerf covered house.

Steffi3 40

Fortunately, dislocations are easier to fix than fractures. Still, I hope you're done visiting the ER for a while


uchua 16

You might want to consider living in a nerf covered house.

how about some foam insulation, that might help

Or just live in one of those giant bubbles.

Let's try and be more careful before you run out of things to break...

Steffi3 40

Fortunately, dislocations are easier to fix than fractures. Still, I hope you're done visiting the ER for a while

MasterTron 24

Don't worry OP one of my co workers told me he had been in the ER twice a day for a whole month

For the doctor laughing at you, sorta unprofessional and embarrassing for you. Sorry OP

I've had doctors laugh at the stupid shit I do all the time. They're just people.

He's a doctor, not a robot. Laughing is a natural body function that you can't help. Just because he's got a higher paying job doesn't mean he's suddenly not allowed to do that...

And here come the awkward questions about who pushed you lol and the "are you sure no one is hurting you?"

A07 48

And the crowd favourite, don't you mean "ex" doctor?

one of "those days" where you'd just like to start over from the beginning of the day.

Laughter is the best medicine they say!

And then when you come home from your dislocated wrist and hurt your back tripping on an ice cube, he'll have an even greater laugh.