By FlyAwayPlease - 25/08/2015 22:38 - United Kingdom - Mold

Today, the boy that I met online six months ago and expressed my love to sent me a picture of himself and confessed how old he really was: thirteen. I'm eighteen years old and holding a steady job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 259
You deserved it 8 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least talk to each other via skype or something before telling him you love him. Afterall, catfishing is pretty common nowadays.

uchua 16

Well it sucks that you're a pedophile... but what's your steady employment got to do with it?


Unfortunately, that can happen with online dating as people can use false pictures to trick you. Just be glad you found out now rather than in a few more months.

I read the FML and this comment makes perfect sense? OP fell for someone who lied about their info. Sucks but it happens. It may not have been specifically on an online dating site but that hardly matters nowadays, people forge friendships and relationships all over the internet. Fortunately they found out now rather than in a few more months. 6 months is obviously worse than a couple of weeks, but it's not as bad as being duped for 2 years, sending money, arranging marriage/flights/etc. What's the problem?

uchua 16

Well it sucks that you're a pedophile... but what's your steady employment got to do with it?

Am I the only one who had to read the FML twice?

Op could lose her job if anyone found out that she was talking to a 13 year old online, especially if she did anything sexual like saying certain things or sending pictures of herself.

#18. I don't know if that attests to her maturity, after all she's been talking to him for 6 months... He must have come off older to go that long..

Bobby319 24

She can't get in trouble, unless she continues the relationship, since he lied about his age( either by omission or full out lied). She thought he was an adult, and know that she knows he isn't she can only really get in trouble if she keeps going anyway

I can honestly say that this is the first time I've seen a published FML that signed off spelling the acronym FLM.

At least talk to each other via skype or something before telling him you love him. Afterall, catfishing is pretty common nowadays.

Redoxx_fml 22

Or tell him to find that fortune teller machine from "Big" and you can live happily ever after...

Guess you either wait 5 years or move on. That kid must have some serious street cred for having an 18 year old that confessed her love to him.

Nothing else can give you major street cred than having someone fall in love with you on the Internet.

Nah, it's pretty impressive. Boys tend to mature a bit later than girls as well. Either OP has some seriously juvenile intrests or that's a pretty damn mature and suave 13-year-old.

glad im not the only one who had these sort of thoughts on the matter Slothman102, although personally its because I simply viewed it as 5 years is better than 5 decades. overall 5 year difference wont mean squat


it's means a whole lot to a judge. it means 20 years in prison for OP and street cred for the 13 yr old.

Michaelaarnett 22

It really is impressive isn't it? To find someone who is that mature at the age of 13, of course, he could be faking, but if he's not and he was a bit older, I bet OP would've wanted him as a boyfriend. I'd want a girl like that.

Haa, that boy has got real game. God knows I'd have loved to land an eighteen year old at thirteen.

id love to land an 18 year old at any age

RenoTheRhino 30

Jared Fogle would love to land a 9 year old at 40.

sylvienoir 18
Michaelaarnett 22

18 is actually still a number in the 'teens' and you can't even do somethings in the US until you're 21 anyways.

So you expressed your love to him when you haven't even seen a picture of him?

Pictures are easy to get and pretend you're them.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

What 29 said, and love isn't all about looks. You can fall in love with their personality, but even a personality is easy to fake.