By sstahpp - 20/08/2015 21:24 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, while I was taking a long relaxing shower, the shower head decided to fly off and hit me in the face. The dentist couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 545
You deserved it 5 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why we don't shower with our dentists.

CAC_Boomerang 24

Now to clarify here OP... Your dentist wasn't *actually* watching you shower as this happened... Right..?


lenalee96 22

Well that must have been a- mouthful of issues. YEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!! ...I'll see myself out...

Nah, I've seen worse puns. You can stay

To be mouth had a few things missing afterwards.

It was getting payback for all the unsavory things you did with it.

cat4651 15

Well, that IS a pretty amusing reason to need some dental work.

tantanpanda 26

tbh, if I were the dentist, I'd laugh too. ige never heard of a shower head flying into someone's face. My condolences, but it's still a bit funny.

CAC_Boomerang 24

Now to clarify here OP... Your dentist wasn't *actually* watching you shower as this happened... Right..?

RedPillSucks 31

good thing you weren't using it to do a vag massage

That's what I was wondering. Seems a bit weird.

This is why we don't shower with our dentists.

Chelserser 20

This comment made me laugh way too hard.

Plot twist: it didn't end up being relaxing

I think you need to look up the proper use of "plot twist" ;)

The anesthesia he gave me was pretty relaxing.

I'm not too sure if you've noticed, but what #8 said IS a plot twist. The shower was supposed to be relaxing. The shower turned out to not be so relaxing. Boom. Plot twist

It's happen to me before, wetting everything before actually getting in to shower though.

Ask your dentist to share the laughing gas..