By Spooderman - 04/02/2016 02:04 - United States

Today, my son wanted to be Spiderman. He found the biggest spider he could outside and let it bite his hand. He's staying overnight in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 825
You deserved it 2 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's no future in superheroes these days, he should aim to be a web designer.

I think he missed the part about it needing to be radioactive.


I think he missed the part about it needing to be radioactive.

That reminds me of the fml where a kid microwaved a spider to make it radioactive...

middlenamefrank 8

Oh yeah, that's exactly what that kid needs to hear. Be sure it's a RADIOACTIVE spider.

paravoz 30

There's no future in superheroes these days, he should aim to be a web designer.

That he was definitely doing. That was the joke, right? If so, carry on.

As for the white sticky substance, we'll let puberty fix that.

Ha! Better money is in actual programming since everybody can fancy themselves a 'web designer' with the saturation of WYSIWYG services these days. Get in at the beginning by being the person who makes the program that people use to make a website.

koganti 18

now your son turned to be real spider man regardless of powers ....

Give us an update on how he's doing! I'm sorry to hear your son got bitten, hope he's okay OP.

Common sense, if you can't already tell, is CLEARLY a child's strong point ?

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Einstein

Kids and their dreams huh? I hope your son recovers soon OP!

Sincerely hope that he's going to be well OP..

keep him away from twilight!! Bats arent very patient when disturbed

dafluckster 6

Twilight has nothing to do with bats.

#55 vampire stories existed way before twilight. Some of them were even good. There are bats in those. You should read them.

You should keep videofootage for when he grows up girlfriends love those childhood stories :p