J'ai rien compris

By Anonymous - 21/02/2022 00:01

Today, my date dumped me after he took me to see a French language film and I was completely unable to follow the plot, or discuss the underlying philosophical and sociological themes and nuances afterwards. Apparently I’m not smart enough for him, which is just insulting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 944
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It’s nice that you’ve learned what a jerk he is.

Parlez-vous français? If you don't, then that really wasn't fair. If the film was a Pepe LePew cartoon, he's right.


Parlez-vous français? If you don't, then that really wasn't fair. If the film was a Pepe LePew cartoon, he's right.

Même si elle "parle français", c'est probablement pas à un niveau plus élevé que celui d'un lycéen. La plupart des français n'arriveraient par exemple pas à suivre un film en anglais sans sous-titres, surtout si on parle d'un film d'auteur complexe ou d'une comédie avec beaucoup de jeux de mots. Donc y a environ 99,9999% de chances que le mec soit juste un bon gros connard.

It’s nice that you’ve learned what a jerk he is.

The guy was a jerk, but which film was it?

Mado_01_03 9

next time take him to the movie in the language he doesn't know and let him taste his own pill

pretentious pompous arrogant narcissistic ass. he's probably very insecure beneath that facade. you dodged a bullet. just imagine Every date being like that one. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.

Idk, sounds like you dodged a bullet there