By ReallyBro - 21/03/2012 07:27 - United States - Keller

By ReallyBro - 21/03/2012 07:27 - United States - Keller
By theproblemboblem - 29/04/2021 14:00
By Annie - 31/08/2011 03:17 - United States
By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 15/01/2013 17:45 - United States
By Blueberrypicc - 13/08/2010 01:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/02/2013 06:40 - United States - Northbrook
By Alicia - 21/01/2010 05:02 - United States
By xxxzzzooo - 02/01/2010 17:22 - United States
By Sex ed instructor, fuck me - 18/04/2022 06:00
By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 05:40 - United States
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Show it anywayLike a VIRGIN
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Show it anyway84, the person who wrote that also posted to ignore it.
Lots of parent won't let their kids go to school on the days of sex ed. My friend was one of them. Over protective parent syndrome can be bad for future bedroom "endeavors," haha.
1- I disagree. As far as sex ed classes go, it's pretty cut-and-paste from the text book (ie "penis+******=sex"). They don't tell you anything about the specifics and just because OP didn't do it exactly right, it doesn't mean he's too young. From the FML, it sounds as though he is just inexperienced, considering OP had to 'coax' him into having sex. Anyways, that's just my ten cents...
#1 if he went to a catholic school he may not have got any sex ed, I never at my school. It really doesn't have anything to do with age. She shouldn't have pressured him cause it sounds like he wasn't ready for it. I'm guessing from his actions that they probably haven't played about so maybe they should have started there first.
In my catholic school they taught us sex ed in eighth grade.
My first thought was 40 year old virgin
I'm not saying I'm in middle school(which I am) but they dont teach about sex at my school in science they just say everyone knows right then says how babies our made then some people came and taught us that sex is pleasurable but u will die if you do it and condoms don't work
Doesn't matter had sex!
Oh god. I had to thumb 180 up. Not sure if serious or trollin, but the entire dying thing reminded me of if you have sex you'll get pregnant & die thing. Which reminded me of the XML where their single abstinence pushing teacher got pregnant. ^.^
My middle school did not have sex Ed, and my high school barely had a pathetic offshoot of sex ed. I didn't have it, but i still did fine.
Pics or it didn't happen
I think it depends on what school you go to. My school went into pretty explicit detail in sex-ed classes and taught us A LOT about sex, safe sex, different types of birth control, menstruation, birth, etc. But my friend went to a Catholic school that only taught abstinence. My friend didn't even know what a condom looked like until she was about 18 or 19. If a guy tried to stick a flaccid penis into her, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know they were doing it wrong!
I forward this notion. @ #129
Or he could just be gay. That's a very fair assumption to make too
Omg mean girls? Don't have sex cause you will get an STD and die....
#1- you're the one with an animated picture as your default .. Just saying
92 You don't choose classes in middle school.
*you're *too. It sounds like you're too young for this website....
After reading some of these replies, I'm kind of curious... Am I the only one who never had a sex ed course in school? I graduated high school two months ago, and I've always gone to public schools.
Your grammar makes you sound like you're way too young to be on the Internet, and yet... here you are.
How old is this guy? You shouldn't have to persuade anybody to have sex
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Show it anywayI don't mean this to be insulting but is it possible that he is actually gay? Another idea; maybe he just doesn't find op attractive which could understandably ruin their relationship. Or she just pushed him into something he didn't want. We need more information to solve these questions.
It's not that she shouldn't *have to* persuade him to have sex, just in general you should not try to coerce people into having sex.
He could be an Asexual.... in the relationship for the romantic component, but did not want sex
Well we know he's at least 18 months old..
Isn't that how everybody does it?!
Apparently I've been doing it all wrong. Is that why I got pregnant?
either you finger the girl so that she's wet or u put lub. or else it's hella painful.!
Yeah only virgins
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Show it anywayI would edit the comment to "cue thumb downs [...] in 0", but it's too late.
If you knew it was a shitty pun an you'd get thumbed down they why would you say it?
Because its punny
29- He was expecting this: "No way, that was the best and most original pun I've ever heard!! I would never thumb down something so brilliant and not at all overused! You're so clever!" Fishing for approval. Smh.
36 - Wrong. I have been on FML long enough and I have seen enough "shitty/sticky/whatever-y situation" comments to know it would be thumbed down. Now, I'd let you all have a debate for hours about whether I'm stupid or intelligent (no doubt the answer would be I'm stupid), how stupid I am exactly and why I wrote this comment, but no. I just wrote this comment because it was punny and just for the sake of it. Oh, and thank you for making a baseless assumption. Glad to see FMLers changed. SMH.
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Show it anyway47- now you just made yourself look really stupid. Can't even read something that is actually pretty short.
Ahh, but I thumbed it down with love. :)
I don't even..... Just... What the ****...? In the presence of ******, my penis is far from flaccid, is this only me?
My penis inverts when it sees a ******. ****** be scurry D:
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Show it anywayEven your mothers?
Ever heard of google..?
124 I don't think that's something you want to google...
Dude!... Means not hard.
I'm totally the same...usually...
You play/played Runescape. I can tell by your name.
It's a non-hard penis, regular state..
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Show it anyway1. You're a girl 2. You're an immature stupid 10 year old who doesn't understabd that the stress of having sex for the first time, either in absolute or with one particular girlfriend, can cause you to be unable to have an erection. In the first case, you can maybe be excused. In the second case, GTFO of FML. Feel free to pick either :)
Oh, and that was for 9. 11's comment had not yet appeared when I was typing my comment. Apologies for any offense caused by my lack of precision.
Should had eaten the pussy first know...waited until he was actually ready.
Maybe this means, oh I don't know, that HE ISN'T READY FOR SEX? Why the **** would you try to coax him into doing something that he obviously doesn't want to do? If the situation were reversed and he were trying to get you to have sex with him even though you didn't want to, how do you think THAT would go? I think the FML community would call him an asshole and have his head on a stake for pressuring a girl into having sex. Therefore, YOU'RE the asshole, and I call for your head on a stake.
I call for her head on a barbecue. But that's just me, I doubt there are many other psychos here.
Thank you! Just cause OP is a girl doesn't mean pressuring for sex is acceptable.
I'll take the head, no questions asked...
Well said!
Thumbs up to you doc! I was actually surprised that more people didn't flame you. Screw the double standards, it should be the same both ways! I shouldn't talk though, I'm 26 and still saving it for marriage. The right woman just hasn't come along yet
Agreed, she should learn a lot of patience.
Agreed, Doc. This is the equivalent to a guy saying, "Today, my girlfriend finally agreed to have sex with me after a year of badgering her about it. When we were about to, she started crying and ran to the bathroom. FML" Nobody would be saying that girl was a lesbian and they'd be tearing fictitious OP a new one.
I agree doc. I don't know why so many people are calling him gay. He obviously just was not ready
wow... how old are you... sounds like your way to young for sex
How old is this guy? You shouldn't have to persuade anybody to have sex