By Anonymous - 23/03/2009 18:52 - United States

Today, I gave a campus tour to a group of high school seniors. As I was showing off the dorms, one student asked, "Are these beds sturdy enough for threesomes?" Before I could respond, another kid shouted, "How would he know, I bet the only action he gets in bed is from his left hand." She's correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 051
You deserved it 11 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "**** you bitch, I'm right handed!"

slap him in the face with ur left hand see how he likes it


you should have said "**** you bitch, I'm right handed!"

brandonlee69 5

Should have said "Actually i get action from my left hand and right hand and your mom's right hand and left hand. YEAH, it is that big."

This_Guy 0

Lol #1, I was just going to say that.

slap him in the face with ur left hand see how he likes it

Win. Anyways, you should have said,"Your right, but you can be my partner." Reaction would be priceless.

noseasmamon 0

John Marston!!!!!!! for the ******* win!!!!!!!

goodtimesx2 0

what little assholes. you shoulda said that you don't have sex on a bed. maybe on a couch or on the coffee table ;)

#1 AND #3 FTW #8 too, just for saying it before me