Bad sex ed

By Sex ed instructor, fuck me - 18/04/2022 06:00

Today, I was ready to have sex with my new boyfriend. Turns out he's a 30 year-old virgin who doesn't know shit. He couldn't find my vagina and was just humping my crotch, then when he finally got it in it was 5 pumps, a squirt and done. He thinks he did a good job. Now I have to teach him how to do it properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 087
You deserved it 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well look on the bright side. You don’t have any established bad habits to break.

Jon Tessler 14

think about how much fun you will have training him to do exactly what you like done to your body. you don't have to break him of any bad habits.


Well look on the bright side. You don’t have any established bad habits to break.

Dump him. It will probably only go downhill from here. Otherwise, you could train him and when he becomes more confident, he'll move on to someone. Don't be the chump.

xxWTFxx1981 23

I mean this guy must be seriously broken for him to be a Virgin at 30 unless he was a Buddhist monk or something. I would get out the relationship unless you are truly desperate.

So if someone's a virgin @ 30 and not a Buddhist monk or something similar, they are categorically ****** up and not worth training...good to know. #judgemental

Jon Tessler 14

think about how much fun you will have training him to do exactly what you like done to your body. you don't have to break him of any bad habits.

Omg, you have a blank slate, teach him, you can teach him exactly what you like. And of course it was quick the first time, it was his first time, go for round 2 in a little bit!

My husband was a virgin at first too. Now he's custom designed 😂

Communication is key. Gotta tell him how you want it done, unless he is telepathic or something. Plus you can't reasonably expect pro athlete performance from a rookie.