By Matatat - 01/06/2015 03:55 - Germany - Pirmasens

Today, I truly understood that I was in Germany when, in my workplace, during our lunch break, one of my colleagues hit another with a sausage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 754
You deserved it 87

Top comments

I don't see how this is strictly a German thing. This happens every other day at my work place.

You can do that in Germany? Lucky bastards. Whenever I do that here I get sent to a sexual harassment seminar.


I don't see how this is strictly a German thing. This happens every other day at my work place.

The term "sausagefest" has taken on a myriad of new meanings.

Thats not a german thing, im born in germany and such thing NEVER happened to me once in all the 15 years im already working

You can do that in Germany? Lucky bastards. Whenever I do that here I get sent to a sexual harassment seminar.

Goblin182 26

Terrible waste of sausage. At least is wasn't bacon.

ashyash90 8

why is this an fml? nothing happened to you and is not even negative. perhaps you were looking for the site MLIA?

Sir_Cow 17

Blitzkrieg is their idea after all.