By tryingtostealmyheart - 19/12/2015 07:12

Today, a total stranger asked me to marry him while we were waiting for the bus. I turned him down. He then pulled a knife on me, grabbed my purse and ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 173
You deserved it 1 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess since he couldn't have your hand, he decided to take your handbag.

God - what would he have done if you'd said yes?


God - what would he have done if you'd said yes?

There are no brakes on the rape train...oops, I mean bus.

JMichael 25

He still would of pulled the knife in her and ran off with all her money.

Diablitos 11

He would have probably pulled out his other knife from his pants ;)

"What's your number?" *Gives phone number* "No, I mean credit card number." *Grabs purse and runs*

I guess since he couldn't have your hand, he decided to take your handbag.

Guess your purse was the consolation prize.

man_in_black08 28

Would have been funny if he pulled out the knife first and proposed, and she saying yes. "And that kids, is how i met your mother"

"Kids, my heart was stolen by mister steal your handbag."

Mathalamus 24

You make it sound like it's common.

In what possible way does she make it sound like it's common?

what are you talking about? In what way does she make it sound like it's common.

Steve97 32

This is why I hate people >.>

KhaleesiDannie 26

Gotta pay for the ring some how

hoosiergirl94 31