By Nicked - 25/04/2009 11:50 - Israel

Today, I was on a bus and a man was feeling up my butt. I was just about to step on his foot when the bus stopped and he slipped out. Only then did I realize he'd stolen my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 007
You deserved it 15 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A guy was feeling up your butt and your response was to stomp on his foot...but only after the bus stopped? YDI

curryndricegirll 0

Why would you let him "feel your butt" long enough for him to steal your wallet?


A guy was feeling up your butt and your response was to stomp on his foot...but only after the bus stopped? YDI

yaldo_fml 0

Well she's an Israeli. No morals there.

It was probably as the bus was stopping that he started to feel her up.

kissicysun 0

sucks but you should've reacted sooner

obviously she liked it so shedidnt stop him ;) lmao

ejvlols 0

wow YDI. no seriously, why keep your wallet in your back pocket. keep it in a purse, or if ur a man then keep it somewhere inm your chest pocket

toaster468 0
FBIWarning 0

Must of liked it to allow him to do it for that long, YDI

curryndricegirll 0

Why would you let him "feel your butt" long enough for him to steal your wallet?

i never understood why people keep their wallet in their ass pockets. it's like begging to get robbed.