By Anonymous - 01/03/2010 22:04 - United States

Today, a really hot guy smacked my ass. I farted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 724
You deserved it 10 924

Same thing different taste


hectorguez1 0

Don't feel special my girlfriend did that once when I smacked her ass. I pretented I didn't knew her.

dumbasss 0

you seem to say haha allottt hmmm...

junker311 0

This is stupid. Who cares? FML needs a who gives a **** button

drew123456 0

At least his hand smells good now ;-)

niibee 0

silly billy letgo of your willy

bigtony916 0

ahahahaahaahahaha. That's great.

hendyzero20 0
ndiesal 0

A smack on the ass is nothing more than mere flirtation...not what would be considered "ownership". Unless the guy is a creeper, he's not going to smack her ass out of the blue. She isn't complaining about being smacked, after all, she's complaining that she farted when it happened. Girls girlfriend farts all the time and I don't give NO ****, that just makes me more comfortable to fart in front of her. It's a symbiotic relationship here people!