You go Glenn Coco!

By Anonymous - 20/10/2020 17:07

Today, my very top boyfriend told me he was ready to try being the bottom. He moaned and complained about the pain the entire time, even though I got less than 2 inches in, and then got angry I was taking so long to cum. I thought I was the drama queen in our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 340
You deserved it 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair, not everyone feels comfortable having something stuck in their asshole. He could have toned down the melodrama, but you probably should have started with a finger or a toy to make sure he liked it before you tried your ****. These words of wisdom have been brought to you by hetero dude #5396432088, and Chik-Fil-A.

Anal is not supposed to be painful if you do it right. Open him up with a few fingers, LUBE UP, and then work your way in.


To be fair, not everyone feels comfortable having something stuck in their asshole. He could have toned down the melodrama, but you probably should have started with a finger or a toy to make sure he liked it before you tried your ****. These words of wisdom have been brought to you by hetero dude #5396432088, and Chik-Fil-A.

Anal is not supposed to be painful if you do it right. Open him up with a few fingers, LUBE UP, and then work your way in.

You watch too much ****. Enjoying anal doesn't happen by magic, especially if you've never been the bottom before.

Anal REALLY is uncomfortable unless the person is able to completely relax. Otherwise the Anus gets really tight and fights against ANYTHING being inserted there. That’s what’s really uncomfortable. Ever seen 2 moose’s with full antlers pushing against each other? Look it up on YouTube if you haven’t.

I recommend using some silicone lube that has a relaxer in it. It will relax the muscles and not hurt as much. I use Swiss Navy Anal Lubricant which has a relaxer. I hope he continues trying to be bottom

therainbowfaerie_ 8

If I'm gonna top we do oral and small toys for a long time before we get to it or he just isnt relaxed enough, sounds like you guys just need to slow things down next time you try

The guy is a wimp. Drama queen for sure.

or maybe just isn't into it. they aren't a wimp for not enjoying anal. most people don't