By Well then - 10/09/2018 03:30

Today, I discovered that my fiancé and I had vastly different definitions of monogamy. Don't worry, he only did it when he was mad at me to remind him how much he loved me. I found out from my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 303
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to introduce him to the definition of “single?”

At least you didnt marry him before you found out


Wow time new husband,once cheater always a cheater,they just get better at not getting caught 🤔😐😒😤😕

Time to introduce him to the definition of “single?”

At least you didnt marry him before you found out

fde2blknimout 18

Spread the word. Women need to know thats not how you deal with an argument. He only cheated on you for the team. Couples will now talk things through. 👍

Let's see, what's a good term for that. "Selfish passive-aggressive hate sex?"

Disque98 7

i am gonna try that next time i am at the bar. "y'know what, lets cut the crap, you wanna join me for some selfish passive-aggressive hate sex?"

“Hey baby, wanna help remind me of how much I love my fiancé?”

I can't imagine what his thought process was--hmm, I'll screw this other woman so I can remember how much I love my fiancee. Something does not compute here.