By Anonymous - 15/12/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, a man dressed as Santa Claus walked by me, grabbing my butt. He smelled of pipe tobacco and pee. He pulled me close to him and whispered, "I bet you're naughty but you feel so nice." I looked dumbfounded at him as he winked and yelled, "You're on my list." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 604
You deserved it 4 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gotta love Creeper Clause.. FYL. go take a shower and scrub away as much dirty as you can! lol

Lol. Creeper Santa has got some awesome lines. Can't blame him though. It is after all Santa's MO to go around emptying his sack down your chimney. ;-)


gotta love Creeper Clause.. FYL. go take a shower and scrub away as much dirty as you can! lol

Wow I think i have a new hero, you should of agreed just imagine the perks of being mrs clause

Shadow_Phantom 26

Oh sure, just because she was sexually harassed means she was dressed like a ****. -.-

Santas spending too much time with the hoe hoe hoes and not enough time making presents for little 12 year old children :(

Santas spending too much time with the hoe hoe hoes and not enough time making presents for little 12 year old children :(

ryanst 7

You better not shout, You better not cry, You better watch out, I'm tellin' you why. Santa claus is grabbing your ass.

lalagirl912 0

8 year old* not 12.. well usually not 12. alot of 12 year olds(sister) don't even ask for presents anymore o.O neither or her friends, but they are more mature in the groups. I would still ask for something to >.> 8 year olds just makes more sense. (I'm about to be hated on..)

well for that Santa hoes before bros.

and latter you found out it was your hillbilly brother/boyfriend bahahaha

lalagirl, tell your sister to believe in Santa clause (one extra gift a year, who wouldn't take that chance?)

rachelmacivor 0

where are all the pedosantas around here? ;D

CameronJak 0

more like your on my ho ho ho list

PSQ91 6

Christmas eve's gonna be sucky :)

yeah sleep with one eye open or he might come down your chimney ;)

iluffmcrandbvb 1

Just because it doesn't seem like you guys got it he was making a pun I think.

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pedosmurf 7

He touching you once he's touching you again santas coming to town..... To touch you skin flute solo!

Lol. Creeper Santa has got some awesome lines. Can't blame him though. It is after all Santa's MO to go around emptying his sack down your chimney. ;-)

yourlifesfucked 0

Holy shit that just ruined FMA for me. I just read that in Alfonse' voice =(.

MidnightBlossom 2

I think you need to lay off on the alchemy...

Jester7 0

that's awesome, I bet he has fun doing that stuff

OP you should have kicked him in the nuts and said...."oops ..JINGLE BALLS"

damselchelle 4
lizza0786 0