By Anonymous - 15/12/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, a man dressed as Santa Claus walked by me, grabbing my butt. He smelled of pipe tobacco and pee. He pulled me close to him and whispered, "I bet you're naughty but you feel so nice." I looked dumbfounded at him as he winked and yelled, "You're on my list." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 595
You deserved it 4 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gotta love Creeper Clause.. FYL. go take a shower and scrub away as much dirty as you can! lol

Lol. Creeper Santa has got some awesome lines. Can't blame him though. It is after all Santa's MO to go around emptying his sack down your chimney. ;-)


supahnazi 0

im worried because he smelled like pee.... HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!

maybe you shouldn't stick your butt out so much and something like that won't happen now will it?

Karnezar 2

He grabbed your butt and grabbed you and you only stared dumbfounded?

freaking epic, gross for you, but freaking epic

i'll kick that perv in the nuts so hard he won't have to think about that kinda stuff anymore!

lunkness_monster 0

Admit it, you loved it.. What a boss.

Blueangel1 0

looks like santa gets laid on Christmas eve that's his present