Workers rise up!

By Anonymous - 29/07/2021 08:01 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, I found out that, despite working 4 part-time jobs, that I will not qualify for maternity leave by my due date with the mandatory 600 hours. I can't get full-time work and I'm 8 months pregnant now. This'll be fun! FML
I agree, your life sucks 958
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought Canada had a social safety net. You can always cross the border and have real fun. We have a bunch of ******* here who insist that you have the baby, but once it's here, you are both on your own.

misspriss_1994 1

If you're in Canada, due to covid you only need 120 hours for mat leave! they give you a one time credit of 480 hours towards it if you file for mat leave before September 25 or something like that!


I thought Canada had a social safety net. You can always cross the border and have real fun. We have a bunch of ******* here who insist that you have the baby, but once it's here, you are both on your own.

ElijahAsh 14

Don’t have a baby if you can’t afford it then. Problem solved…

misspriss_1994 1

If you're in Canada, due to covid you only need 120 hours for mat leave! they give you a one time credit of 480 hours towards it if you file for mat leave before September 25 or something like that!