By anonymous - 15/12/2010 05:27

Today, I found out that the fat sweaty guy at my job frequently uses my rub-on deodorant and puts it back in my drawer after he's done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 359
You deserved it 3 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

replace it with something extremely sticky with an ass fragrance..

nicknesser 0

Put IcyHot on it, that'll send a message.


replace it with something extremely sticky with an ass fragrance..

no I say replace the deodorant inside with creme cheese so when he tries to eat it under his arm pit, he can't because he's too fat. ultimate tourture :)

it's roll-on deodorant not muscle rub ._. tho I'm not against it if op does replace it with muscle rub rofl .

iSitt 0

inject the deodorant with BenGay(tm)

LoL that is terrible! I am in for replacing it with glue! Keep a hidden video camera to record it and put it on YouTube!

nicknesser 0

Put IcyHot on it, that'll send a message.

5 has the best idea! Just beat out the deodorant part and replace it with the IcyHot part :)

potsmoker1 0

no just tell the guy u know what he's being doing and if he doesn't stop u will beat him down but violence isn't the answer

juliaaalove 8

exactly what I was thinking #13

laurieloulou 0

if violence isn't the answer then why say you'll beat him down??? I like the glue stick idea.

Complain to HR. Perhaps you can get his fat ass fired... or at the very least disciplined.

fritz2 0

shutup you just sound like an idiot

wwerulez14 6

Actually Fritz, he did not sound like an idiot. The fact that you couldn't capitalize the first letter of your sentence, separate the words "shut" and "up", and for not ending your sentence with a period, makes YOU look like an idiot.

whatyotalkinbout 0

if he's sweaty, why are you complaining that he uses deodorant? would you prefer that he stinks of sweat?

she would prefer it if he used his OWN deodorant

wwerulez14 6

Because sweat itself is just secreted water. But it's what's usually IN the sweat that makes it gross; bacteria. Your skin is covered in bacteria 24/7, so why would he want someone else's bacteria-filled sweat on THEIR deodorant? That's just unsanitary.