By hardee fucking har yourself, sir - 07/08/2013 22:00 - United Kingdom - Stockport

Today, a guy started taking a leak beside me at the urinal. Evidently he figured he wasn't being enough of a cockbite, because he looked at my junk, laughed, "HAH!" then broke down into hysterics and totally lost control of his stream. I smell like piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 587
You deserved it 4 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you're allowed to legally beat the tar out of him.

myoukei 31

*Insert a string of pissed off/on puns here.*


He should know that you always leave a buffer zone

Should have given him some Hershey stains in return...

You should have returned the favour

I thought there was some man rule about not using a urinal next to someone else unless it is unavoidable? And certainly a rule against checking out and commenting on another guys penis.

Ins0mau 20

There's a man rule against pissing on strangers too, I think.

He won't be laughing when the next girl he takes home laughs at his sorry excuse for a penis.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Sorry you had to go through that OP. Try to forget about it, there are plenty of women out there that don't care about size.

generalasskicker 12

You should have smashed his head into the urinal then pissed on him