By TJ - 07/01/2010 16:50 - India

Today, my friend whacked me on the family jewels while I was washing my hands in the college bathroom. While I lay writhing in pain on the floor, a guy at the urinal turned around towards me to see what was wrong. He was still peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 233
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your friend is a dick. You can't entirely blame the guy either, it was his natural instinct to check you were okay. Get a tin of chopped up carrots, put them in your mouth raw, run up to your friend and splurge them all over him. That'd be karma. And it looks like you threw up.

#1 Wtf do you think? If you got hitted in the balls you wouldn't just take your hands down there and say ouch. When you get hit in the balls or stomach you pull your body forward and then you lie down to ease the pain


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#1 Wtf do you think? If you got hitted in the balls you wouldn't just take your hands down there and say ouch. When you get hit in the balls or stomach you pull your body forward and then you lie down to ease the pain

#1, you're an idiot. Guess you've never been struck in the balls, eh? Tell someone to hit you there hard and see where you lie.

to #4: got hitted in the balls? That doesn't make mean "got hit in the balls" not hitted. You are right though...something is wrong with #1 to think the way they thought.

There was probably a reason he got hit in the balls and he sounds like a pussy anyway.

the thing is you have to have balls bigger than his probably are to actually hit them. Otherwise it will take 3 people-one to hold him down, another to get the legs and a thrid to search for said testicles.

I also see no reason to call them "Family Jewels." Unless of course we are in the 3rd grade.

@#4 Really? He has to THROW himself on the ground?? you can easily squat and hold your stomach in and bend over without submerging your whole body on the floor as if youre throwing a temper tantrum, ****. ive been hit in the balls hard enough once to know what it feels like but whatver, i call fake

Guys he put a little more thought in the way he wrote the fml. Give him a break, family jewels or nuts who the **** cares.

i think fml changes it, or they have to. balls comments always get changed to family jewels or happy sacks

Sunbolt 0

I think that everyone who gets hit in the balls withers on the floor like a pussy ad long as it's hard enough. for further refrance look at AFV

maybe he has *EXTREMLY* sensitive nuts. even a flick on the nuts for me is enough to lie down :( it's happened before

KataraTheBender 0

Have you even been it in the nuts before, I can barly hit them there and the will scream, and when I do it hard, wow you need earplugs. IT HURTS!!

Your friend is a dick. You can't entirely blame the guy either, it was his natural instinct to check you were okay. Get a tin of chopped up carrots, put them in your mouth raw, run up to your friend and splurge them all over him. That'd be karma. And it looks like you threw up.

jts2 3

.. wat me no speeky stoopeed, sry Though the MLIA comments usually are a bit lighter. Despite the fact that I tend to semi-troll there.

Yeah and I'm sure child birth is just such a delightful feeling too.


jts2 3


iBlazer 0

Wow. Shut the **** up you stupid dike. I would punch you in your ovaries if I could.

daydreamstar 7

great now along with boys getting worried about pissing off other males in college they now have to worry about being pissed on >>'' OP, im sorry to hear that, maybe you could take it up with the Dean or something... at least the guy cared to see if you were (relatively, considering the circumstances), if you were ok. right? :)

rawrrawrfishy 0

sorry but that is ******* hilarious

sissypants32 0

I would have probably helped u back up then hit u in the balls again lol.