By Z88 - 21/04/2010 20:29 - South Africa

Today, a customer came into the music shop I work in to look at guitars. After calling the customer "Dude," and "Man," numerous times, they stalked off suddenly. When I asked if everything was okay, they responded with, "I'm female, you asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 874
You deserved it 43 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Girls can be dudes too. She's silly.

she just gets upset easily. she probably doesn't like her figure so she is offended easily


Well I'm fairly certain it's not just me. But I could be wrong :P I guess it tends to be people into music who do it, but I can think of a few people who'd say it. I don't think dude is a word used as commonly over here in the UK as much as USA, but I could be wrong. Tbf I don't know many girls who'd get offended by it, unless say you went "you look so like a dude" in which case you've made it gender specific. It's in much the same way that you'll greet a group of people by going "hey guys!" even though there'll be girls in it.

not really your fault, shouldn't be so ugly/manly looking and hanging round a guitar shop looking so bad, if you got into trouble at work maybe a FYL but would be your fault for stereotyping (I would probably do the same) otherwise **** it you offended an ugly girl, her mirror does it to her every day.

funkdog8 0

Today, I went into a gutair store. The employee there thought I was a guy. FML

xmasterkennedyx 0

give it time and your gonna have a person on here saying "I got called a man in a music store today fml"

shaude91 0

that's gay!!! I call ppl dude and man ALL THE TIME regardless of rather it's a guy or girl. now sir wouldve meant somethjng!

Thanks for being non-gender-specific, man. Doesn't sound like a very artistic person.

why would you call a person dude or man if you weren't sure what sex they are. i mean alot of people do say that no matter the sex but some people will get offended by it.i mean if shes a girl and you thought she was a guy she must of looked somewhat like a girl or you must of at least been confused on what she actually why would you say that in the first place.its basically our own fault.its not that awful on your part.

vetteck555 0
sincerely331 0

Correction, Its supposed to be Today, a costumer CAME into the music shop. Yur welcome OP :) And I'm pretty sure OP couldn't tell that she was a female, therefore she makes herself look like a man.