That's creepy, dude

By Anonymous - 04/10/2021 11:01

Today, I'm 20 years-old and I was propositioned by a 42 year-old man, who turned out to be my dad's friend who helped care for me when I was 2 to 7 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, he waited until you were legal. I guess he's unattractive. Otherwise, there would be no FML.

I really don't think the age gap is the biggest issue here man....


Studies show regardless of age men find women at about 20 to be the most attractive. Being in my 30s, doesn't seem old to me just seems normal. I imagine being in your 40s is similar.

I really don't think the age gap is the biggest issue here man....

yoitsky9 2

hell I'm 15 and i think a lot of 20yos are hot. just gotta wait till I'm legal 😞

Hey, he waited until you were legal. I guess he's unattractive. Otherwise, there would be no FML.

j.b. 1

People always get uppity about one's clothes and "asking for it" but it's not such an unrealistic question. Granted, I always layer and still get comments, though mostly postive.

Hunter Phillips 7

2 things 1 glad you're of age and 2 at least it wasn't your dad.........sweet home Alabama