By Z88 - 21/04/2010 20:29 - South Africa

Today, a customer came into the music shop I work in to look at guitars. After calling the customer "Dude," and "Man," numerous times, they stalked off suddenly. When I asked if everything was okay, they responded with, "I'm female, you asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 874
You deserved it 43 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Girls can be dudes too. She's silly.

she just gets upset easily. she probably doesn't like her figure so she is offended easily


Haileyw15 0

No actually I don't peacemaker :) haha thanks pearl!! Lol Haley :)

Peacemaker9 7

lol the conversation is up there more ^^^ not down here

my iPhone won't let me add a photo to my pro umm help

i had a tough time, figuring this one out to, 32.

hahaha this is not an fml its an epic win

TrillionHearts 0

you must need glasses or she must need a make over

This is absolutly hands down the most ridiculously stupidest fml I've ever wasted my time reading....