By Z88 - 21/04/2010 20:29 - South Africa

Today, a customer came into the music shop I work in to look at guitars. After calling the customer "Dude," and "Man," numerous times, they stalked off suddenly. When I asked if everything was okay, they responded with, "I'm female, you asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 874
You deserved it 43 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Girls can be dudes too. She's silly.

she just gets upset easily. she probably doesn't like her figure so she is offended easily


well next time maybe say : excuse me" ? hehe at least that saves u all the trouble of having to figure out their gender =)

I moderated this a month ago with different wording.

disruptance 0

in soviet Russia women look like mena

bitches these days they need to know their roll

youthink_fml 0

You totally deserve it. You're in retail. Calling anyone "dude" and "man" is not professional. And how does someone "stalk off"?

RedPillSucks 31

"Stalk off" is a term meaning to walk away angrily. I think in the States you might say the walked off in a huff, or they were pissed off.

I hate when I get people who look like the opposite gender. if I can't guess I usually try to avoid gender words

lionnessof2 0

The op English is really bad. Go back to grammer class and @ 14 your a dumb ass. Keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

poeticpunk77 0

You spelled grammar wrong and you used "your" instead of "you're". If the OP should go back to "grammer class" (as you called it), you should probably join him. :P

RedPillSucks 31

@129 Some schools in NC still have corporal punishment. Also, maybe OP just had short hair instead of being manly looking. Most of my female friends with short hair get pissed off at being called 'man'.

RedPillSucks 31

zat true in England too, Cinn? I thought that was just an American colloquialism

People are so ******* touchy. Maybe she shouldn't have been so ******* ugly?