By Anonymous - 18/08/2015 21:08 - United States - Woodridge

Today, a woman at the retirement home I work at told me she was new and asked me a few questions. I asked her when she moved in. She was a new coworker, not a new resident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 751
You deserved it 12 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes... Hopefully they have a sense of humor and it becomes a joke between you two... Some friendships start in the craziest ways☺️

Just try to play it off OP, mistakes were made?


Don't you guys have uniforms or Something? I am going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and guess not.

They most likely don't have uniforms because the elders don't want to feel like they are living in a hospital.

sylvienoir 18

They could wear a shirt with the company's logo and jeans, a uniform can be anything from a suit to blue jeans and a white tshirt. I know target just requires some type of khaki pants and a red plain shirt. Doesn't have to be scrubs or anything.

RockyCharleyChar 8

When I worked in a nursing home, some of my resident's family members would bring them scrubs to wear because they liked the way they felt. :-) Needless to say, our uniforms were scrubs.

Yikes... Hopefully they have a sense of humor and it becomes a joke between you two... Some friendships start in the craziest ways☺️

FalloutScrolls 25

+5 points for being polite. -30 points for being judgemental.

sammypb 4

how in any way were they being judgmental?

By judging an elderly person saying they're new in a retirement facility to mean the obvious rather than the less obvious? It's like how I judge a frothing at the mouth naked man carrying a machete running at me as a bad person. We can be so judgmental.

Just try to play it off OP, mistakes were made?

HeadlessSparrow 20

Play it off like its a thing that the company does when hiring new employees. Like be all serious but joking when asking when they moved in.

Wouldn't the age give it away? Unless she was one that seems to never age...or get better with age

corky1992 33

How did you not realize? Aren't you guys required to wear scrubs or something?