By Anonymous - 16/05/2015 17:46 - United Kingdom - Southampton

Today, a couple asked me to donate my eggs so they could start a family. When I refused, I was called heartless by my ex-husband and the woman he cheated on me with for over two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 978
You deserved it 2 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just buy him some eggs from the grocery store! Lol

Well there's and example of a horrible person, sorry OP


Ex for a question is why your eggs?

The woman OPs husband cheated on and left her for is probably infertile. Karma is a bitch like that.

Yeah, & if OP already has kids with said ex, they may want them to be genetically full siblings rather than opting for another donor.

Or they may want her eggs because they think they can convince OP to give them for free (rather than paying a stranger thousands of dollars).

ladyg228 15

In what universe does these two scumbags think its even acceptable to be asking anything from you! Glad you were able to give him the boot.

They were most likely thinking that if they got OP to donate eggs they wouldnt have to pay for them. If they got them from the facility that sells the eggs they would have to pay big bucks. So this just makes them even worse people.

afallingstar 22

I'm sure that's karma for him somehow...cheater.

i say karma already did by not being able to have the kids they want. and love your pic!

your eggs your decision! If they're butthurt, it's their problem!

That's absolutely disgusting. They are both cold, shameless people. Be glad you got away from people like them, OP, sooner or later they'll be seen for what they really are, and they'll have nobody to want to be around them. Good on you for saying no. You're going to find an ocean of love from people who truly cherish you very soon.

Wow! Your ex is a douche and his wife is no better than him. Thank God he realized you were to good for him and got with someone on his level. Trash should be with trash.

The nerve of some people is astounding.