By matiasbarbero - 16/02/2010 17:56 - United States

Today, a black cat crossed in front of my truck and I thought to myself that it was funny people believe black cats bring bad luck. Not even two minutes later, I drove my truck into a ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 349
You deserved it 10 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roaminginsomniac 0

It's not the cat's fault you can't drive.

xrod_fml 0

dude black cats ftw :p I see why ppl always go first!!! lol it's a big acomplishment ;p


taussie 0

always blame the black things in life lol

hey now, don't blame the cat for your incompetence.

funny how pussy can get you into trouble. hey. someone HAD to say it.

I have three black cats I try bottom go by that superstition

youthink_fml 0

Nothing to do with the cat. You just suck at driving.

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. -Groucho Marx

Mirrors, ladders, umbrellas, all bullshit. But don't **** with the cats. They always get their mark.

Gobsnoglin 0

YDI for daydreaming about cats. Please stop driving.

Blatstuff 0

Hahaha rbkhockey33, at least now I dont have to say it! ;)

You make it sound as if you were stupid for underestimating the power of supersticion. as if your life is ****** cause you thought it and it then happened. realy this story is more of a MLIA...