By matiasbarbero - 16/02/2010 17:56 - United States

Today, a black cat crossed in front of my truck and I thought to myself that it was funny people believe black cats bring bad luck. Not even two minutes later, I drove my truck into a ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 349
You deserved it 10 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roaminginsomniac 0

It's not the cat's fault you can't drive.

xrod_fml 0

dude black cats ftw :p I see why ppl always go first!!! lol it's a big acomplishment ;p


xDyZFuNkTiOnULx 0

your problem isn't black cats. The problems you think to much haha. andddd then ur ass ends up in ditches.

YOU drove your truck into a ditch, not the cat. Thats not bad luck, thats poor driving. YDI

realggirl 0

Bad driving is not bad luck. YDI

luck is neutral at most times, it being good or bad is up to you. why did you blame the F-ing cat??? if you had simply treated it as nothing or like a speed bump and just continued driving over it, you'd be fine. You were too busy thinking about cats and bad luck you created your own As stated by others, bad driving is not bad luck, it means keep your eyes and concentration on the F-ing road.

gazelle_fml 0

maybe you should watch where your going !!!????